Gestion Regional de Educacion- Cusco



Peru’s national curriculum (Diseño Curricular Nacional – “DCN”) was created in 2016 but wasn´t widely implemented in rural regions of Cusco until 2019, and it was clear that there were practical gaps between the theory of the curriculum, which aligned with what Alma was doing in our projects since 2013, and classroom implementation. Therefore, we systematized our teaching methodology in the context of the DCN and began training teachers and administrators throughout 2020.

Now in 2021, the Gestion Regional de Educacion- Cusco (GREC), the regional branch of the Ministry of Education, plans to create a regionalized version of the DCN in the context of the culture and realities of families and students in Cusco.

Because Alma’s teaching methodology already focuses on the DCN in the context of local Cusqueñan culture, we plan to work with the GREC to help develop Cusco’s regional curriculum.