Unidad de Gestión Educativa – Quispicanchi

    In 2019, after implementing many direct community projects in the province, Alma and the UGEL Quispicanchi signed a new contract to train their 14 educational specialists and a group of 30 state teachers on how to implement Peru’s national curriculum (Diseño Curricular Nacional). The DCN was created in 2016 but wasn´t widely implemented […]

Unidad de Gestión Educativa – Paruro

  Peru’s national curriculum (Diseño Curricular Nacional – “DCN”) was created in 2016 but wasn´t widely implemented in rural regions of Cusco until 2019, and it was clear that there were practical gaps between the theory of the curriculum, which aligned with what Alma was doing in our projects since 2013, and classroom implementation. Therefore, […]

Gestion Regional de Educacion- Cusco

    Peru’s national curriculum (Diseño Curricular Nacional – “DCN”) was created in 2016 but wasn´t widely implemented in rural regions of Cusco until 2019, and it was clear that there were practical gaps between the theory of the curriculum, which aligned with what Alma was doing in our projects since 2013, and classroom implementation. […]

Direccion Deprtamental de Educacion – Beni

  In early 2020, Alma planned to continue implementing 13 projects in isolated communities in the San Andres and Loreto municipalities of the Department of Beni, Bolivia. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, the school year was canceled and the Direccion Deprtamental de Educacion – Beni (DDE Beni) was told to spend the year writing a […]

Virtual Classrooms In Peru

  As part of the ongoing trainings with the Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local (UGEL) in Quispicanchi, the largest province in the region of Cusco, Peru, and the Dirección Departamental de Educación (DDE) of the entire Department of Beni, Bolivia, Alma is constantly responding to the different needs of different educational demographics: rural/urban/semi-urban schools; indigenous […]

Virtual Classrooms In Bolivia

  As part of the ongoing trainings with the Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local (UGEL) in Quispicanchi, the largest province in the region of Cusco, Peru, and the Dirección Departamental de Educación (DDE) of the entire Department of Beni, Bolivia, Alma is constantly responding to the different needs of different educational demographics: rural/urban/semi-urban schools; indigenous […]

Technical Secondary Schools in Bolivia

  We began the implementation of our department-wide training program with the Dirección Departamental de Educación (DDE) of Beni, Bolivia in August 2020. Though we had strong support from the DDE-Beni since the beginning of the coordination, research, and development process of the large training program, encompassing both rural and urban proposals for preschool primary, […]

Emotional Wellbeing In Peru

  In 2019 Alma began coordinating with the Unidad de Gestion Educativa Local (UGEL) in Quispicanchi, the largest province in the region of Cusco and home to the majority of our community projects in Peru, to begin training state teachers in Alma’s unique pedagogy focused on critical and creative thinking, local culture, harmonious values, and […]

Los Puentes

The parents in Los Puentes had been asking for an Alma project since 2016, but were still recovering from the heavy flooding of 2014 and could not commit to the responsibilities that Alma asked of them. By 2018, when the Trinidad Municipality presented a request from one of their other communities for an Alma project, […]


Cerritos had been petitioning Alma for a project since 2016, but because the community is part of the large Trinidad Municipality, we always opted to work with more isolated communities. However, after expanding in Beni, Bolivia in 2019, we had projects in all of the viable isolated communities and were looking for a couple more […]


  We began working in Huathua Laguna in 2017, and in 2018 a former community member was elected the new mayor of Quiquijana District. Usi sits near the top of a mountain range running between Usi and Huathua Laguna, and when the new mayor mentioned that we were looking for some new project communities in […]

San Juan de Mocovi

  San Juan de Mocovi began requesting an Alma Project in 2015, when we were first expanding in Beni, Bolivia. At the time, the community was still recovering from the disastrous flooding of 2014 and was not in a position to fulfill the many responsibilities Alma requires of a project community. Nevertheless, the community members […]


  We began working in Huathua Laguna in 2017, and in 2018 a former community member was elected the new mayor of Quiquijana District. Knowing about our projects, parents from Antisuyo quickly petitioned the new mayor to bring Alma to their community, and together we did just that in 2019. In Antisuyo we run an […]

El Masi

  When Alma decided to expand in Beni, Bolivia, we began to evaluate and visit the over 20 different communities that asked us for a project in the San Andres Municipality. However, after many community meetings and discussions with parents and local authorities, we found that the communities that we needed one more project to […]

Poza Honda

      The “Biblioteca” project in Poza Honda (Beni, Bolivia) aims to improve the community’s 28 primary school students’ educational performance by offering reinforcement workshops in the afternoon. The workshops take advantage of working outside of regular school hours by complimenting the more formal education they receive in the classroom with a fun, creative, and […]


    The “Biblioteca” project in Perlita (Loreto, Peru) aims to improve the community’s 17 primary school students’ (grades 4, 5, and 6) educational performance by offering reinforcement workshops in the afternoon. The workshops take advantage of working outside of regular school hours by complimenting the more formal education they receive in the classroom with […]


  The “Biblioteca” project in Naranjito (Beni, Bolivia) aims to improve the community’s 22 primary school students’ educational performance by offering reinforcement workshops in the afternoon. The workshops take advantage of working outside of regular school hours by complimenting the more formal education they receive in the classroom with a fun, creative, and flexible model […]

Bella Selva

  We visited Bella Selva in our first visit to Beni, Boliva in 2015 but decided not to implement a project with the community for a handful of reasons, the main ones being that the project they wanted didn’t seem feasible for Alma and the community didn’t seem to be very well organized. Nevertheless, the […]


The “Biblioteca” project in Galaxia (Beni, Bolivia) aims to improve the community’s 20 primary school students’ educational performance by offering reinforcement workshops in the afternoon. The workshops take advantage of working outside of regular school hours by complimenting the more formal education they receive in the classroom with a fun, creative, and flexible model reinforcing […]

28 de Julio

  The “Biblioteca” project in 28 de Julio (Loreto, Peru) aims to improve the community’s 20 primary school students’ (grades 4, 5, and 6) educational performance by offering reinforcement workshops in the afternoon. The workshops take advantage of working outside of regular school hours by complimenting the more formal education they receive in the classroom […]