Meet Edgar from Mosoq Runa Project

Edgar is a 3rd grade boy who comes from a poor family. Both of his parents are illiterate. His father, by false accusation, spent three years in prison leaving his wife and 5 children without any support. As a result of the family issues Edgar’s performance in school has dropped significantly. Despite all difficulties, the mother did her best to support Edgar by following the teacher’s advice to improve kid’s self-esteem. At the mid of the year, the father was acquitted of his sentence and was able to return to the family . Both parents became very interested and involved in Edgar’s education and school life and are constantly communicating with the teachers. This allowed Edgar to change his attitude towards school. He began to pay attention to school and started to feel very proud whenever he achieved a good result. His enthusiasm continued to increase, and when he could not understand something in the lessons, he approached the teacher asking to explain again after classes. Naturally, with parent’s and teacher’s support Edgar ended the year as one of the best students in his class.



Blog-Student Profile -04-2015