Meet Yhoselin Quispe Guarachi


Meet Yhoselin, a 9 years old currently attending our partner project Sariry in La Paz, Bolivia.

Yhoselin is in the second grade. She has two older sisters and one older brother. All of her siblings are studying and are in charge of their two parents. Additionally, they work full days as public officials, thereby failing to provide sufficient attention to education and proper nutrition.

At a young age, Yhoselin, had to undergo an invasive surgery in her head due to an accident in which she fell from a considerable height. According to the medical diagnosis, she suffered irreversible damages at a neurological level: biologically she is nine years of age, but her mental age is that of a 7-year-old. Her condition hampers her learning process, keeping her at a lower grade level to which her learning corresponds. During her recovery period, she contracted a level of moderate acute malnutrition.

Despite her difficulties, Yhoselin is a very affectionate and cheerful girl, characterized by being attentive to others. She is empathic and supportive. She likes to play with dolls and jumping ropes.

For Yhoselin, Sariry represents a space of nutritional recovery and a place to socialize while learning. She now can identify several letters of the alphabet, and also recognizes numbers. Although much progress has been made, she fails to perform basic math exercises.

We are proud to support  the Sariry education project, so more children like Yhoselin can receive a high-quality education.