Sariry Foundation – Final activities to conclude 2014 efforts

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Children portrayed the birth of Jesus in a play. They also sang Christmas carols as a way of demonstrating their adoration for infant Jesus. At Sariry, these activities provide a space for reflection on human values, family life and the rights of infants. On these occasions, it is customary that we gather with all of the family members of the children and teenagers that attend Sariry.

Blog - Sariry Foundation -01-2015


The mothers of families presented pieces of clothing that they made in the textile workshops. They are motivated to continue learning and mentioned that the workshops will be very helpful for making school uniforms to sell, which will allow them to generate an income to contribute to their families.

Blog- Sariry Foundation - Jan 2015 (1)


To say farewell to the year, we celebrated Christmas with a traditional dish, “PICANA”. For children, it’s a time to spend with their families, a time of showing affection, and in some cases, of reconciliation between family members who were, for one reason or another, living with domestic violence, job-related abandonment, etc.

Blog- Sariry Foundation - Jan 2015


As a final recreational family activity (children, teenagers and parents participated), there was an excursion to the ‘mallasa’ park. This is a place that’s very distinct from Tilata – the climate and the scenery are different, there is something for every age, etc., and it is a welcoming place. For our children, being in these kinds of places is a novelty, as in the area where they live these kinds of recreational spaces don’t exist.

Blog - Sariry Foundation - Jan 2015


Without the support of the Alma Foundation, we wouldn’t be able to give these kinds of opportunities to the children and adolescents of SARIRY, such as Christmas celebrations, and educational support and opportunities, and for this we are very grateful to Alma. MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR THE GREAT WORK YOU DO IN SOLIDARITY.