
The “Biblioteca” project in Quihuares aims to improve the community’s 30 primary school students’ educational performance by offering reinforcement workshops in the afternoon. The workshops will take advantage of working outside of regular school hours by complementing the more formal education they receive in the classroom with a fun, creative, and flexible model reinforcing creativity, communication, harmonious values, and critical thinking. By bridging these themes with activities based on the students’ interests, the students can develop the analytical skills necessary to grow academically while playing and pursuing their own interests and creativity. alumnos d quihuares

As Peru ranked 60th (out of 65 participating developing countries) in OECD’s most recent PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) for math, science and reading comprehension; this project is extremely needed.

Throughout the project, students must: approach play from a critical and analytic point of view; practice their course content in the context of play; reflect on their investigation process and outcomes in order to present them; create creative connections between play and academic lessons. The presentation provides motivation for the students to excel in their investigation.

Not only do the students practice the course content from their classrooms, but they also must develop their critical thinking, analytic, and creative skills. By not only receiving information but, more importantly, questioning, evaluating, and reflecting on it, the normally wrote academic lessons become an animate part of their daily lives through which meaningful learning can occur.