Monthly Archives: January 2018

2017 Annual Report

We are very proud to present our 2017 Annual Report. Thank you to all of our volunteers and supporters whose invaluable help allow us to achieve day after day our goal of realizing, through investment in enlightened education, creative, forward and critical thinkers who will improve the quality of life for indigenous peoples in Latin America.

When the Fox Cries

It’s rainy season here in Cusco, and that means if you haven’t planted your wheat, barley, or potatoes yet (depending on the altitude of your community), you are late! These mountains are volatile, and you never know when the rains will suddenly stop and you’ve missed your chance at a strong harvest. Actually, you almost […]


Wherever two ecosystems meet, there will be life. So it is where the black waters of the Juanache River meet the muddy waters of the large Ucayali. At that bend, I often see the pink river dolphins breaching for air while fishing, and we often end up with one or two fish in our peque-peque […]