Monthly Archives: September 2016

River Water

I’ve spent most of this last month in the Amazon, in both Peru and Bolivia. Each trip shared the common jungle themes that I always encounter on my visits: heat, mosquitos, and long rides to the communities. This month, however, I encountered something new in both countries. I was spending the night in San Jose […]

Two new bibliotecas in Peru!

We are happy to share with you two of our newest projects in Peru: Quihuares and Karhuacalla. These two biblioteca projects will offer reinforcement workshops in the afternoon. Similar to our other biblioteca projects, these workshops will take advantage of working outside of regular school hours. They will complement the more formal education children receive in the […]

World Peace Day at Alma

September 21st is the United Nation’s International Day of Peace, also known as World Peace Day. Alma’s projects focus not only on critical and creative thinking but on harmonious values as well. And when we follow the trails of values such as honesty, respect, generosity, and taking care of the environment and people around you, we […]